Test on Cancer patient University Erlangen Germany.
Test Clinical Center Hong Kong Independent clinical tests confirm the successful pain reduction effect of DE – Ka Titan.
The tests were made in following institutions:
German Universities:
report a high rate of pain reduction.
German pain treatment clinic:
only by applying DE-KA Titan for as little as 30 minutes the success rate reached a level of 54 % from the total number of patients.
Hospital, China
Test period: 4 months
Success rate: 78% 20% of the test group experienced considerable pain reduction 58% of the test group experienced pain reduction
Test Report
Additionally Patient Reports
Dear Mr. Lehnert,
I would like to congratulate you on your DE-KA Titan device to reduce and eliminate pain. For the past 5 weeks, I had the opportunity to test it and I am happy to say that it reduced my migraines tremendously giving me even five days without any attacks. I would estimate that the attacks are 80% less and the ones I still experience are less severe and painful. Having had frequent, severe migraines for over 40 years and for the past decade on a daily basis, your device is changing my life. Like many other migraine sufferers, I have tried a multitude of traditional and complementary treatments and medications without lasting relief. Needless to say that the side effects of most medications cause all kind of other health problems and I am so relieved that your device does not pollute and poison the body. Also, I wanted to thank you for your constant care and response to my questions. You took the time to send me supplemental info and I very much appreciate you following up on customer’s experiences with the DE-KA Titan. Hopefully, many migraine patients will learn about your invention and I hope general physicians and neurologists will recommend it. Imagine millions of people don’t swallow every day addictive medications any more but instead use your reliable, non-intrusive and non-polluting wristband with a pain interceptor. That would be a better world and I will spread the word amongst friends, co-workers and physicians I will come in contact with to make them aware of your invention. I wish you lots of success and many new ideas for new inventions. Sincerely, Vera Jakoby Vera Jakoby, Associate Professor & Chair Department of Philosophy Co-coordinator for Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies McDaniel College 2 College Hill Westminster, MD 21157 USA Tel.: (410) 8572478 email: vjakoby@mcdaniel.edu
vorab möchte ich mich nochmals für die sehr, sehr unkomplizierte Abwicklung der Bestellung und für Ihre Unterstützung bedanken. Dies ist durchaus nicht normal und hat mich sehr positiv beeindruckt.
Nun sind doch einige Wochen nach Rückkehr meiner Frau aus der Schmerzklinik vergangen und wir können seit Nutzung des Armbandes durchweg positiv berichten.
Meine Frau hat nun nach jahrzehntelanger Tabletteneinnahme (immerhin 30 – 50 Stück im Monat) endlich einen Weg gefunden, mit der Schmerzerkrankung umzugehen. Hierbei unterstützt die Nutzung des Armbandes sehr positiv!
Nur bei drohenden Kopfschmerzen benutzt Sie auch die Elektroden und konnte hier bisher fast immer eine Linderung der Schmerzen feststellen.
Nun ist Sie dazu übergegangen das Armband, ohne Elektroden, fast täglich zu tragen. Das tägliche Tragen unterstützt sicherlich die restlichen Maßnahmen sehr positiv und trägt sehr gut zur Vorbeugung bei.
Aufgrund dieser Erfahrungen kann ich nur allen Betroffenen und auch den Lebenspartnern, empfehlen sich wenigstens mit der Wirkweise des Armbandes zu beschäftigen. Jeder Weg Schmerzen ohne die Einnahme von Tabletten zu vermeiden, oder zu lindern, kann nur positiv bewertet werden und bringt mittel- und langfristig einen wichtigen Anteil an Lebensfreude und Gesundheit zurück.
Sie können gerne dieses Feedback an anderen Betroffenen/Interessierte weiterleiten!
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle ausdrücklich anmerken, dass es sich um eine neutrale Bewertung eines Lebenspartners handelt und es mich außerordentlich freut, dass Sie, durch Ihren Unternehmergeist, eine Möglichkeit zur tablettenlosen Schmerztherapie entwickelt haben.
Herzlichen Dank und einen lieben Gruß aus dem Sauerland
Georg Marek
Hello Mr. Lehnert,
I would like to thank you for the very, very easy handling of the order and for your support.
This is certainly not normal and has impressed me very positively.
A few weeks have passed after my wife has returned from the pain clinic and throughout we can tell you a very positive report using the bracelet.My wife has now, after decades of tablets (at least 30 – 50 pieces per month), finally found a way to deal with her pain disorder.
The use of the bracelet is supporting her very positive!
Only in case of imminent headache she uses the electrodes and so far, she could almost always and relief from the pain.
Now she wears the bracelet without electrodes, almost daily. The daily wearing supports certainly remains measures very positive and contributes very well for prevention. Based on this experience, I can recommend all concerned and the life partners, at least to show interest how the bracelet functions. Any way to avoid pain without taking tablets, or alleviate, can only be assessed positively and bring medium and long term back an important part of happiness and health. Feel free to forward this feedback to other stakeholders / interested!
At this point I would like to say explicitly, that this is a neutral evaluation of a life partner and I am extraordinarily pleased, that you have developed through your entrepreneurial spirit a way of tablet less painkilling treatment.
Thank you and a nice greeting from the Sauerland
Georg Marek / Balve / Germany
Dear Manfred,
Some Testimony from China after using the DE – KA
1) Family members of patients:In the late stage of cancer, and bone metastasis, it is too late to find it. You should take painkillers in the morning and at night. With this instrument, it can really reduce the pain. Generally, the quality of sleep at night will be significantly improved.(癌症晚期,骨转移,发现的时候已经太晚了,早晚也要吃止痛片,有了这个仪器后,的确会减轻。一般睡觉前帖,晚上睡觉质量会有明显提高。)
2) Family members of patients:The first time I used it, I felt very good(就是第一次用的时候,就赶紧特别好)
Family members of patient:3, 4 minutes can significantly reduce the pain(3,4分钟就可以明显减轻疼痛)
The above is the reply of the patient’s family in the dialogue
My. Best regards LEO
Mr. Liu Dapeng.
room 701, building 3, chunxiaoyuan
Dongxiao Road,
Luohu District
Shenzhen City,
Postleitzahl 518019
Guangdong Province
China 2022-01-05
Monika Sack / Germany
My sister and I both have a De Ka Titan. I have daily migraines with aura, as well as complicated migraines. The De Ka Titan helps lower the intensity of my migraines. I still have migraines, but the pain is definitely more manageable. I wear the deka 24/7 (only taking it off to shower). I wear the electrodes a lot of the time, but when my skin needs a break from the adhesive, I wear only the bracelet. I believe it is effective with and without the electrodes. When I have a more intense migraine, I believe the electrodes lower the pain quicker than the bracelet alone. My sister has Occipital Neuralgia, and migraines. She also wears the De Ka Titan 24/7. She loves the De Ka Titan, and cannot imagine life without it. I feel the same way. The De Ka Titan was shipped to me in a timely fashion, and the company is amazing. I e-mailed the company to get more information, and the CEO wrote me back. He honestly cares about his customers, and will do anything to make you feel comfortable with the De Ka Titan. I have a very small wrist, and the sliding lock bracelet was difficult for me to adjust. He told me he would find a better band for me free of charge. I cannot give this company and its product enough praise. They are really making a difference in the lives of people who feel like they are out of options to manage their pain. They gave me hope for a pain free life. Verified Purchase from Heather Stanleyon US I have had migraine headaches for the past 34yrs of my life. I had never heard of this product before but was willing to give it a try. My whole life I have been to numerous neurologist and as they described it: you have by the book migraine headaches and always wanted to give me medicine to take. I have searched for a long time for something more natural to help me with them. My headaches normally are approx. twice a month. Once I purchased the watch….I was so excited to get it. I have not looked back since!!! Normally the barometric pressure causes some of my migraines as well. My life has forever been changed. I wear the watch 24/7 and only take off for showering.
This has truly helped me and I hope anyone else has just as awesome results! Best of Luck!:)