
Basic information on pain transmission

Pain is an unpleasant sensation often caused by damaged tissue. According to the current sate of knowledge, the pain stimulus is registered by special receptors, so-called nociceptors. Nociceptors can be activated either by the effect of direct noxic stimuli on the nerve endings or by pain trigger substances from damaged tissue, such as protons, potassium, acetylcholine, serotonin, or histamine releasing peptide.Like all sensitive cells, nociceptors have a rest potential. Ion channels open during stimulation and depolarisation takes place. This usually lasts as long as the stimulus is active and the extent depends on the intensity of the stimulus. This receptor potential is transformed to a series of action potentials, whose frequency increases when the amplitudes of the receptor potential (the stimulus intensity) also increase.

Action – Potential


An action potential can be envisaged as follows:

the inner part of a sensitive cell has a negative potential of -60 to -100 mV (millivolt) as compared to the outer part at rest. The cause of this lies in the different distribution of the ions in both parts of the cell. If the threshold potential is exceeded by a stimulus, the membrane’s sodium channels are temporarily opened (< 1 ms = 1 millisecond) and the membrane potential is lowered abruptly (< 0,1 ms). Even the inner part of the nerve becomes momentarily positive.

The rapid decrease in sodium permeability and the slow rise in potassium permeability restore the rest potential. The nerve fibre is insensitive for 2 ms following an action potential because the sodium ion system is inactive. This shows that the maximum frequency by which action potentials are triggered and transmitted through the nerve fibres, is 500 Hz (Hertz). Alongside the afferent pain transmission system there is an efferent pain alleviation system whose fibres emanate from different levels of the central nervous system and regulate the influx of nociceptive stimuli.

Pharmaceutical products make use of the efferent pain transmission system.



The basic concept is to turn this system around and prevent the pain from reaching the brain.

The concept of DE – KA Titan is based on this new approach. It reduces the action potential in the nerve tracts on the way to the brain.


The source of each pain is an impulse. This impulse is converted into the body’s own natural pain signals (receptor-potentials) and relayed by the nerves to the brain. This pulse-like current is muted by the high-capacity electric capacitor in the DE – KA Titan so that the brain receives either a reduced pain signal or no pain signal at all.

DE – KA Titan is not prophylactic. Pain is part of a warning and safety system that should continue to function at least for a short period.


The DE – KA Titan is 100 % produced in Germany.

The DE – KA Titan method is an epoch-making innovation in physiological pain therapy. Scientific medical surveys clearly confirm its efficacy in clinical tests.
DE – KA Titan is always ready to use because it functions without electric or magnetic energy. You can take DE – KA Titan with you everywhere and wear it all the time because it is lightweight and easy to use.

How DE – KA Titan functions
The source of each pain is an impulse. This impulse is converted into the body’s own natural pain signals (receptor-potentials) and relayed to the brain by the nerves. This pulse-like current is muted by the high-capacity electric capacitor in the DE – KA Titan so that the brain receives either a reduced pain signal or no pain signal at all.
DE – KA Titan is not prophylactic. Pain is part of a warning and safety system that should continue to function at least for a short period.

The general rule is:the worse the pain, the better the effect of the pain reliever!

Safety instructions: Always consult a doctor when pain commences.

The device is for external use only, do not use internally.

In accordance with the Medical Devices Act, the manufacturer should be notified of any negative incidents connected with medical devices. According to our current state of knowledge, the use of the DE – KA Titan pain reliever has no side effects. A few patients experience warmth or tingling at the beginning. This disappears when the device has been used several times. 

DE – KA Titan

Product No. 2011

Medical Device Category Class one is in full compliance with the applicable regulations of the Medical Devices Directive

93/42 /EEC per Annex VII Route to compliance Directive & Annex:

Application trough DIMDI (medical device law and decrees)

+49 911/48 68 46

+49 173 9366 059

DE-KA Titan

Medical Germany e. K.

Buchenschlag 85

90469 Nürnberg

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